Weekly News and Prayers for the Parish and community

Sunday 30th March

Fourth Sunday of Lent

(Mothering Sunday)

8.30 am Holy Communion BCP (St Andrew’s)

10.15am Holy Communion CW (St Andrew’s)

10.15 am Morning Worship (St George’s)

2 Corinthians 5: 16 – end

Luke 15: 1 – 3, 11b – end

6.30 pm Healing Prayer (St Andrew’s)


Regular Giving and the Parish Giving Scheme

An alternative to plate collection or the envelope scheme is Just Giving.  or Parish Giving scheme which you can sign up to online via their website or by a dedicated telephone number 0333 002 1271, operating weekdays between 9 am – 5 pm. Sign-up normally takes around 15 minutes. Please have to hand the following information:
• Personal bank account details
• The name of the parish you wish to donate to
• Confirm if eligible for Gift Aid
• The PGS codes for the parish are:

St Andrew’s 080608077, St George’s 080608078, St Matthew’s 080608079

Gift Aid

If you pay tax please consider Gift Aiding your donation. Our Gift Aid Form is available to be printed.  When completed please return it to the Parish Office .

We have card payment facilities at our services.  Please speak to a sidesperson if you wish to make payment by this method.

We appreciate that these are challenging times and are pleased that you want to help us continue to do God’s work within our community

Looking for details and dates of events, then please click here to go to our Events page.

Please pray for these people who are on our parish prayer list:

Ken Lee, Kev Wilding, Maureen Knight, John Humphreys, Ros Pullinger, Alf Smith and Carol Chamberlain.

Safeguarding training

Anyone who volunteers in any capacity in church activities needs to complete the Basic Safeguarding Training .The completion certificate should then be forwarded to Child Safeguarding