Readings from the Bible for all of our Sunday services, depending on the service style and the church calendar.

Services are live-streamed from our website at      10.15 am each Sunday

Morning Prayer live streaming from our Facebook Monday – Friday from 9.00 am

Thursday Holy Communion at St Andrew’s Church  at 10 am every week

The readings for each week are

Sunday 22nd December

Fourth Sunday of Advent

8.30 am Holy Communion CW (St Andrew’s)

10.15am Morning Worship (St Andrew’s)

10.15 am Holy Communion CW (St George’s)

Hebrews 10: 5 – 10 

Luke 1: 39 – 45 

6.30pm Nine Lessons and Carols (St Andrew’s)


Sunday 29th December

First Sunday of Christmas

8.30 am Holy Communion BCP (St Andrew’s)

10.15am Holy Communion CW (St Andrew’s)

10.15 am Morning Worship (St George’s)

6.30 pm Holy Communion BCP (St Andrew’s)

Colossians 3: 12 – 17

Luke 2: 41 – end

Sunday 5th January


8.30 am Holy Communion BCP (St Andrew’s)

10.15 am Holy Communion CW (St Andrew’s)

Ephesians 3: 1 – 12 

Matthew 2: 1 – 12 

6.30 pm Evening Prayer BCP (St Andrew’s)

Isaiah 60: 1 – 9  

John 2: 1 – 11 

Sunday 12th January

Baptism of Christ

8.30 am Holy Communion CW (St Andrew’s)

10.15 am Holy Communion CW (St George’s)

Acts 8: 14 – 17 

Luke 3: 15 – 17, 21 – 22    

10.15 am Morning Worship (St Andrew’s)

Isaiah 43: 1 – 7  

Luke 3: 15 – 17, 21 – 22    

6.30 pm Evening Prayer CW (St Andrew’s)

Isaiah 55: 1 – 11 

Romans 6: 1 – 11

Sunday 19th January

Second Sunday of Epiphany

8.30 am Holy Communion BCP (St Andrew’s)

10.15 am Holy Communion CW (St Andrew’s)

10.15 am Morning Worship (St George’s)

11 am Holy Communion CW (St Matthew’s)

1 Corinthians 12: 1 – 11 

John 2: 1 – 11  

3 pm The Well (St Matthew’s)


6.30 pm Reflective Service (St Andrew’s)


Sunday 26th January

Third Sunday of Epiphany

8.30 am Holy Communion CW (St Andrew’s)

10.15 am Holy Communion CW (St George’s)

1 Corinthians 12: 12 – 31a

Luke 4: 14 – 21 

10.15 am Parade (St Andrew’s)

John 15: 5 – 13 

6.30 pm Holy Communion BCP (St Andrew’s)

1 Corinthians 12: 12 – 31a

Luke 4: 14 – 21