Join us for worship
Our vibrant community at St Andrew’s, St George’s, St Matthew’s and Messy Church worships in a variety of different ways. There’s a service for everyone; please do join us!
St Andrew's Church, 222 High Street, Hornchurch
RM12 6QP

St George's Church, Kenilworth Gardens, Hornchurch
RM12 4SG

Monday – Friday
9am Daily Morning Prayer – online only via our Facebook page.
Thursday 10am Holy Communion: a small, quiet and reflective service
On Sundays, we have services at 8.30am and 10.15am every week and at 6.30pm in some weeks. There are services of different styles during the month – and everyone is welcome to any of them – so please see below for details.
8.30am services
1st and 3rd Sundays of every month: BCP (Book of Common Prayer) Holy Communion
2nd and 4th Sundays of every month: Holy Communion from the Book of Common Worship
Our 8.30am services are said (there are no hymns).
10.15am services
1st and 3rd Sundays of every month: Holy Communion from the Book of Common Worship
2nd Sunday of every month: Morning Worship
4th Sunday of every month: Parade Service
All of our 10.15am services include the singing of hymns and worship songs. We are blessed with a robed choir, organist and a worship band, who lead us in our sung worship.
6.30pm services
1st Sunday of every month: Choral Evensong
2nd Sunday of every month: BCP (Book of Common Prayer) Evening Prayer
3rd Sunday of every month: Reflective Service
4th Sunday of every month: Holy Communion
5th Sunday of every month: Healing Service led by our Healing Prayer Team
On three Sundays each month, there is a service at 10.15 am at St George’s.
2nd Sunday: Holy Communion
3rd Sunday: Morning Worship
4th Sunday: Holy Communion
St Matthew's Church Chelmsford Drive, Upminster
RM14 2PH

3rd Sunday of every month 11am Holy Communion
2.45pm The Well (An accessible all age service)
Messy Church
in Hornchurch

To view our events please see the Events page