History of Organ at St Andrew’s

Music has played a vital role in churches through the centuries. Here in the Parish of Hornchurch, we pride ourselves in the quality of our musicians and

the great work they do in leading worship and furthering God’s kingdom.

The Organ

Installed by H. W. Speechly in 1913 and partly rebuilt by N. P. Mander in 1966, the organ is now maintained by Colin Jilks and Associates.

There are three manuals, a standard CCC-F pedal board, and 25 speaking stops, which include some borrowing. Because there is now no manual double, as there was on the original instrument, and because the Swell sub-octave is only effective down to TC, plans are in hand to convert the Swell 8 ft. Oboe to 16 ft. Contra Oboe.