How did 'Messy Church in Hornchurch' start?
Sessions began at North Street Hall, North Street, Hornchurch in February 2011. Messy Church sessions in North Street Hall have run bi–monthly ever since. In 2012,the frequency of sessions were increased by the introduction of Sunday morning sessions at St. Matthew’s Church in Chelmsford Drive, Upminster. Initially, they met four times a year with refreshments and cake, rather than a two-course meal. This increased to five sessions in 2018.
Growing Messy Church in Hornchurch
An annual ‘Light Party’ was introduced in 2012 to celebrate the Light of Jesus rather than darkness typically represented at Halloween. The number of people joining us has increased steadily each year.
Messy Church continues to grow
In the summer holiday of 2014, an annual ‘Messy Church Great Outdoors’ session was introduced. This happens at St Andrew’s churchyard on an August afternoon, as we go on a journey of wonder and discovery of God’s creation. Outdoor activities, Bible story and a picnic tea together in the Church grounds.
‘Easter Egg Trail and Good Friday Activities Session’
In 2016 we invited local shops to display clues leading up to Good Friday. When all the clues had been found, a prize was collected during the Activities session in North Street Halls, whilst enjoying refreshments and a hot cross bun. This has continued in 2017 and 2018.
‘Messy Church Does Science’
A Science session in 2017 to trial experiments and activities for a BRF (Bible Reading Fellowship) publication was carried out. Our results, feedback and photographs were included within the resources produced.
What next?
Come and try us at one of the sessions, see the events page for details.We look forward to welcoming you and sharing God’s love as we share Bible stories and the gospel message of the Christian faith.