• on 1st November 2024

Charity of the Month for Nov and Dec

About 60 years ago the charity started by smuggling Bibles behind the Iron Curtain so that marginalised people could have access to a bible after they were challenged by a pastor in the USSR to put a bible into Eastern European hands and so reach those of faith without access to one. They also gave materials to persecuted Christians. With the collapse of the Iron Curtain and barriers, Mission without Borders remit changed to bring spiritual, emotional and educational material to those in need regardless of belief. The core values of the charity are to reach impoverished people and communities for Christ and to bring healing, help and hope.

This year sees the Operation Christmas Love campaign which aims to give a box of essential food for the hungry and traumatised children and families facing  a Christmas of war. There are children in Ukraine who are not with their families or sheltering in basements of homes. They live under the stress and fear of war. Some families are in refugee buildings but even these have few resources. A donation of £30 would buy an emergency Christmas box. If you would like to donate any amount please either go to their website https://www.mwbuk.org/donate, or alternatively you can write a cheque payable to ‘Hornchurch PCC’ clearly marked on the back COM Mission without Borders and we will collate donations together and then send to the charity.

Arlene Trump

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