We aim to create a space where young people can encounter Jesus, build their faith and journey through life together.
Impact Youth
Meets every Thursday during term time, 7.30-9.00pm at St Georges Church hall, Kenilworth Gardens. Join us for pizza, games, friends, and to discuss life and Jesus together. We also meet up for outings, day trips and residential trips away. If you’re interested please contact the Parish Office
Our Sunday group for Youth (School Years 7-9) meets during the 10.15am service at St Andrew’s Church. Discover the Bible, meet with Jesus, consider moral dilemmas, have fun and make friends.
Our Sunday group for Youth (School Year 10 upwards) meets during the 10.15am service at St Andrew’s Church. We chat, play games and explore life together.
Youth Alpha
This 12 week course is a great place to ask and discuss the BIG questions of life, eat food together, listen to a short DVD and socialise. The course also involves an away day of fun! Interested? Contact the Parish Office to discover when our next course is running.
Adult Leaders
Do you have a heart for young people and Jesus? All our Leaders are DBS checked and receive ongoing support and training. If this sounds like you we’d love to speak, click here to contact us.
St Andrew’s Church Choir
Love to sing? The choir is a mixed SATB (Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass) robed choir whose members enjoy singing together at two services on Sundays and on other special occasions. Those who would like to can follow the RSCM (Royal School of Church Music) training scheme; achieving the different levels of probationer, Junior Singer, Senior Singer and Chorister. Many of our members have achieved the Bishops’ Chorister Award (an ecumenical award presented by the Bishops of Brentwood and Chelmsford). Choir meet every Friday, beginning at 7pm for the Trebles, joined at 8pm by the other three parts, and finishes at 9pm. For any further information regarding St Andrew’s Choir, please email the Choir Master